UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to carry out the theoretical analysis of a conceptual framework and mechanisms of management of branding of the region. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, data grouping, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy and historical method. Results: оn the basis of the analysis of the accumulated experience in the field of economy, management and marketing of the region it is proved that competitiveness of the regions can be raised due to implementation of the effective branding capable to improve image and to increase appeal of the region in the opinion of investors, local and potential inhabitants, the competent specialists, businessmen, tourists. The theoretical analysis of a conceptual framework, structure and mechanisms of forming of branding of the region allowed to specify determinations of categories “brand of region” and “branding of the region”, and also to reveal extent of influence of branding on loyalty of separate target audiences and increase in specific parameters of competitiveness of the region. In article is also revealed that direct use of positive experience in development of territorial branding doesn’t guarantee extrapolation of similar results, owing to impact of both internal, and external changes of social and economic system of the region. Therefore work on development, forming and support of a brand of the territory must represents the continuous process including all functionality of modern management and marketing requiring fixed adjustment taking into account the external and internal factors influencing a condition and development of the region. Scientific novelty: in article are made the systematization and specification of terminology; here are also done the author’s additions to the formulation of definitions of “brand of region” and “branding of the region”; in result of synthesis of generated theoretical materials are revealed the main specific intrinsic properties of branding of territory and is proved its influence on region competitiveness. Practical importance: basic provisions and conclusions of article can be us16ed in scientific and pedagogical activities in case of a research of processes of management of a brand of the Russian regions in modern conditions, and also for formalization of a role and the place of management of a brand of region in system of strategic territory management.
brand of region, branding of the region, competitiveness, marketing of the territory, management of the region, target audience, stakeholders
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