Russian Federation
UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to identify determinants essentially-content competency approach to education in the field of culture. Methods: system analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization of scientific information, modeling of socio-cultural processes and events, survey, observation, and the method of expert assessments, studies of pedagogical experience, documentation and art-creative activity of students. Results: based on the analysis of scientific educational and cultural literature, statistical information and practice activities of educational and cultural institutions revealed traditions training of national personnel with specialized secondary education in the field of culture; formulated the problem of the secondary education system in the field of culture; the essence of the competence approach as a methodological basis for the modernization of education in the field of culture of Belarus; revealed principles of social and professional competence of graduates of secondary specialized educational sphere of culture; it identified creativity as the most important key competences professional cultural sphere. Scientific novelty: for the first time in an article on the basis of the method shows how the introduction of competence-based approach in the national education system in the field of culture. Practical value: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in research and practical teaching activities in the field of culture and art in solving the problems of scientific and methodological support of educational content.
system of education in the sphere of culture, competent approach to education, institutions of education in the sphere of culture, secondary special education in the sphere of culture, content of the educational process
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