UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Aim: to concretize the nature and specifics of implementation praxeological approach in training military academy cadets to the profession Methods: synthesis technique, abstraction technique, generalization, comparison, systems analysis method. Results: based on a theoretical analysis of scientific literature the meaning of definitions such as “praxeology”, “praxeological approach”, “implementation praxeological approach within training cadets of the Military Academy” is specified. The brief analysis of historical landmarks of praxeology as scientific knowledge of intelligent action formation. It is summarized that the use of praxeological approach within training cadets of the Military Academy requires consideration of features of military-educational process, which is interpreted by the researches as organized and focused training and educational activities of commanders and officers related to training, education, physical and psychological development preparation of students on the one hand and as the work of students on mastering military knowledge and skills formation in his high moral and fighting qualities of military-professional skills and psychological preparedness for successful warfighting - on the other. These features include: atypical objects of HMEI teachers’ work, which are: person of the future officer as an active participant of military-educational process; specificity of means and methods of implementation of educational activities, such as competent, passionate, convincing word, culture of speech and its contours, knowledge, teaching skills, personal characteristics, lifestyle and behavior, style of the teaching and others. Academic novelty: the nature of the methods used within praxeology and have been adapted in the direction of the research training of cadets of the Military Academy to professional activity are newly analyzed in the article. Practical significance: the main conclusions of the article can be used by teachers of higher military educational institutions within the training of future officers.
praxeology, praxeological approach, cadets, action, activity, professional ativity, effectiveness, appropriateness
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