UDK 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to determine the role of quality system in the functioning of enterprises. Methods: we used general scientific methods of cognition that predetermine the study of socio-economic phenomena, processes and regularities in constant development and interconnection. Such research techniques as statistical-economic and economic-mathematical methods were used in information processing. Results: we conducted analysis of the concept “quality system” as an economic category; determined the main reasons that limit a rapid transformation of the quality system into a new functional manifestation. Scientific novelty: we developed the mechanism of transformation of the organization’s quality system as innovative ontogenesis in the conditions of global competition; identified the main steps that allow an effectively modification of old elements of the quality system into brand-new functional manifestations. Practical relevance: main propositions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and production activities in the course of consideration of issues connected with improvement of the quality system in the enterprise.
transformation, innovation, quality system, analysis, organization, mechanism, value
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