UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
GRNTI 14.35 Высшее профессиональное образование. Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы
Objective: to develop practical recommendations aimed at increasing the level of student satisfaction with the quality of the educational process. Methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, observation, survey, ranking. Results: the most important professional qualities of University teachers are considered by students to be the ability of a teacher to fully answer students ' questions (as indicated by 90.2% of respondents). More than 80% of respondents noted: the importance of providing teachers with information about possible risks of medical interventions; interesting presentation of educational material; strict compliance of the material discussed in lectures and practical classes with exam questions. The most important personal quality from the point of view of students is the teacher's interest in ensuring that all students master issues that are unclear to them (88.4%). A high level of students ' satisfaction with professional and personal qualities of teachers was revealed, and the recognition that they significantly contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills, especially in the disciplines of psychological and pedagogical (80.5%) and administrative and managerial block (81.5%). Scientific novelty: the article presents for the first time the results of research that are important from the point of view of professional and personal qualities of higher school teachers. Practical significance: the results of the study can be used in the analytical and educational departments of educational organization of higher school with an annual analysis of ranking of teachers and departments on the basis of data from the survey of students, as well as to develop measures on improvement of organization of educational process.
education, pedagogical activity, training, style, professional competence, information competence, communicative competence, nursing, bachelor's degree
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