UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
GRNTI 14.23 Дошкольное образование. Дошкольная педагогика
Introduction. The article considers the problem of professional competence, describes the essence and structure of a preschool teacher professional competence. Materials and methods. The main research methods involve the analysis of regulatory documents and scientific literature on the problem of the formation of a preschool teacher professional competence. Results. The content of “Professional competence of a teacher” concept has been studied, various viewpoints on understanding the quality of preschool education and preschool education quality management have been presented, the structure of a preschool teacher professional competence as a combination of educational and social expertise has been determined. Discussion. It is emphasized that professional competence of a teacher as a combination of educational and social expertise is a tool of preschool education quality management. Conclusion. It is concluded that validation of the content of “professional competence of a teacher as a tool of preschool education quality management” phenomenon will allow one to develop criteria, indicators and methods for assessing professional competence, as well as find effective forms, methods and means of forming professional competence of preschool education teachers.
quality, quality of education, management, preschool education quality management, competence, expertise, professional competence of a teacher, educational and social expertise of a teacher.
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