Russian Federation
Objective: to research features of polysemy in the lexical system of the modern Russian language on representative data of a full-type explanatory dictionary. Methods: analysis of the structure of dictionary entries, statistical analysis of lexicographic data. Results: Currently being compiled “The dictionary of Russian language of the 21st century” is a full-type synchronic explanatory dictionary. Its material (about 90 000 completed entries) was used to analyze quantitative information about polysemantic words and some features of their semantic structure. Analysis shows that “The dictionary of Russian language of the 21st century” captures polysemy much more widely than the calculations based on the existing stochastic model (by V. Poddubnyj, A. Polikarpov) suggest. The number of polysemantic words is high among the recently added vocabulary of the Russian language, which represents a lot of regular and productive types of polysemy. Processes of active formation of polysemy and rearrangement of meanings within the semantic structure of a word indicates a relatively stable period of lexical system development compared to excessively wide borrowing or forming new lexical units. Scientific novelty: the characteristics of polysemantic units in the modern Russian lexical system are considered for the first time on the quantitative representative material. Practical significance: data and conclusions of the article can be used in theoretical descriptions of modern Russian lexical system including those with an educational purpose, studies of active processes in the vocabulary of the Russian language of the 21st century and researches of displaying a picture of the world in modern Russian language.
polysemy, full-type explanatory dictionary, structure of the dictionary entry, meaning, lexical and semantic unit, current state of the lexical system
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