Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: to investigate the comparative analysis of the phenomenon of “reflection” in senior schoolchildren and students in the conditions of modern education. Methods: during the research general scientific methods (the analysis of theoretical base), generalization and synthesis, methods of comparisons were used. Results: As a result of an empirical study, it was found that students are more likely to experience feelings of shame, but unlike schoolchildren, they are less envious, they are less likely to experience guilt and aggression against themselves. In turn, schoolchildren have a more pronounced indicator of “sanogenic thinking”, they are less shy, they are more prone to envy, a tendency to experience feelings of guilt and aggression against themselves. However, like students, students often resort to devaluing the object of desire due to the current difficult situations that require their solution. Scientific novelty: It has been proved that the main behavioral strategies that students choose in adverse conditions are pathogenic in nature and form a dependence on the experience of various emotional States. This does not allow them to cope with life’s difficulties with dignity and manage their behavior without compromising their health. Practical significance: the recommendations Developed as a result of the research can be used in the process of training students of higher educational institutions, as well as in the organization of professional training, retraining and advanced training of teachers.

high school age, student age, reflection, sanogenic reflection, pathogenic reflection, mental automatism, education
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