Objective: to determine the impact of social values on management practices in the modern economy system. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, data grouping, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy and historical method. Results: basing on the analysis of scientific sociological literature and sources, the background of the emergence of research interest in the study of axiological problems in the modern world, as well as the specifics of the study of social values at the individual, organizational or public level are revealed, the universal systems of social values of modern authors engaged in this problem study are justified; the sources of transformation processes in the system of values in business at the present stage, including in the organizational environment, are determined; the significance of social values for the modern management practice of organizations is determined; the observed changes in values and management decisions based on value-based regulations creating a potentially favorable platform for studying mutual interaction between social structural positions and individual functioning, management decision making and management practice in organization environment as a whole are fixed. It is justified that globalization processes, growing dynamics in communication technologies and education, as well as competition between business organizations have also contributed to a change in their values: from „quality-price“ to „valuableness-quality“. Scientific novelty: for the first time on the basis of the presented methods, the article studies the impact of social values on management practices in the system of organizational management in the modern economy. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and practical management activities in addressing the issues of ensuring the effective impact of social values on management practices in organizations, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the national economy.
values, management practices, modern economy, structural modernization
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