The goal is to form the personality of a citizen and a patriot through the organization of social design and research activities. Research methods theoretical analysis of scientific literature and the study of normative documents, generalization, synthesis, content analysis. Results of the study: - social design is considered as an actual method of social education in the system of additional education of children in the civil-patriotic direction; - civil-patriotic education is presented as part of the general educational process that contributes to the formation of the young generation’s readiness to fulfill their civic duty, constitutional duties, and to foster a sense of pride in their small homeland and our Fatherland; - children’s social projects are analyzed: to perpetuate the memory of fallen countrymen; to preserve the traditions of the small motherland; to improve school territories and streets of their native city (village, village); to solve the problems of ecology of their native land; to create children’s self-government bodies; to develop tolerance in society and in relations between people; to promote a healthy lifestyle among modern youth. Scientific novelty of the research results: The article clarifies the pedagogical essence of the concept of “social design” as a productive method of education, which is aimed at the practical solution of certain social problems in the younger generation, contributing to the formation of a civic position, a sense of patriotism, in contrast to existing studies of similar definitions: the actual method of educational work of the school (Yu. V. Gromyko, L. A. Khor’kova), in the system of additional education of children (A. N. Varentsova), cultural and leisure activities (E. V. Oleynik) for the formation of civil society (G. M. Krinitskaya); Defined the implementation of the method of the social project providing the organization of civil and patriotic education of students on the basis of the GAUDO OODTDM named after V. P. Polyanichko was determined and experimentally tested. The practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that the conclusions and the results obtained can be used by teachers of additional education in the development of competitions, programs and technologies for the purposeful formation of a citizen and a patriot through the organization of social design and research activities.
project, social design, organization of additional education, citizen, civil and patriotic education
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