The purpose of the study: the introduction of creative technologies in the educational process of future engineers. Research methods: theoretical and empirical methods of pedagogical research. Theoretical methods of the conducted pedagogical research: - the method of comparative analysis. Empirical research methods: - method of pedagogical observation - study and generalization of pedagogical experience. Research results: according to the theoretical analysis of scientific works in the context of the research topic and the results of their own work, the content of the concept of “creative technologies” is clarified, its resource of economic, social life, its pedagogical activity is determined; the mechanisms of the influence of creativity on the success of the professional development of the future engineer are identified. Scientific novelty: the structural components of creative technologies are defined: conceptual, substantive, procedural, program and methodologist. The principles of creative technology are presented.
creativity, creative technologies, engineer, engineering education, engineering creativity, method of fantastic hypotheses, Scamper method, insert
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