Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to zoomorphic metaphors and similes of the English language based on the image of domestic animals used for household purposes. Objective: The purpose of the article is to find out the range of metaphorical and metonymic meanings possessed by the word horse and other names of closely related animals, to expand and systematize our notions of the system of meanings of the zoonyms under consideration, and also to identify those properties of domestic animals that are attributed to humans on the basis of possible metaphorical and metonymic transferences. Methods: the research methods are determined by the purpose and objectives of the research. The main method is descriptive, implemented in the techniques of systematization, generalization and interpretation of linguistic material. Linguistic methods include contextual analysis, definitional analysis, and semantic interpretation. Results: The analysis of zoonyms is carried out on the basis of lexicographic sources with the involvement of literary texts by English-speaking authors. A broad interpretation of the zoomorphic metaphor is taken, which enables us to cover cases of transferring the name of an animal and its image to a person. The zoomorphic characteristics projected onto a person reflect the external appearance and image of the animal, its character, disposition, habits, conditions of habitat and the way of life and the functions performed. There is also a transfer of the name to artifacts (artifact metaphor). The “Animal” sphere, which includes the zoonym horse and other zoonyms of the equine family, refers to the global semantic spheres involved in the process of metaphorization. Special attention is given to the metaphorical uses of the zoonym horse, namely to the zoomorphic and artifact metaphors. It came to light that the zoonym horse has a diversified range of metaphorical meanings, both standard and non-standard. Being polynominative and polysemantic language items the analysed zoonyms demonstrate some typical meanings and realize various characteristics from the appearance to functions performed, actualizing meanings not yet represented in dictionaries. Practical significance: The undertaken research expands and systematizes our understanding of the system of meanings of the zoonym horse and its possible metaphorical and metonymic transfers. The research results can be useful and interesting for specialists in the fields of metaphorics, phraseology, lexicology, stylistics, contrastive linguistics, typology of the English and Russian languages and other disciplines.

zoonym, zoomorphism, zoomorphic metaphor, artifact metaphor, metaphorization, linguistic picture of the world
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