Effect of situational training method on the improvement of police station duty officers use of combat skills
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper examines the impact of the situational method used to enhance the police duty officers’ combat skills required in the operational activities of the police stations. In the course of the study, a set of typical scenarios that a police officer may encounter on duty was developed and subsequently tested as a part of the law enforcement training session. The results of the session were assessed to measure the efficiency of the approach. Eventually, the combat skills mastery score of the experimental group course attendees trained using a situational approach exceeded the score of the control group course attendees by 58,6%. Thus it has been found that applying the situational training method as a part of the Operational Activities of the Police Duty Officers course (precisely during the workshops dedicated to the use of force and firearms in the relations with persons in custody or detention) contributes to the improvement of combat skills necessary for the carrying on the police duty.

physical training, situational method, police duty officers, use of physical force, defense tactics, typical scenarios, operational police activities
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