, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The purpose of the research. The research is aimed at identifying characteristic features, types and components of legal consciousness, the elements of its structure and its functions which help to realize legal attitudes in different legal situations from the point of view of Russian and Anglo-American law. The authors point out the influence of legal stereotypes and attitudes on the formation of an individual’s legal consciousness. Another element closely connected with the concept of legal consciousness is legal literacy, which helps an individual to socialize. Having analyzed the differences between the approaches to the concepts of legal literacy in Russian and Anglo-American legal culture the authors hold an opinion that legal literacy directly depends on the possibilities an individual has to obtain information about his legal rights and duties. Lack of such knowledge leads to negative legal consequences. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that in order to increase legal literacy it is necessary to form «positive» legal stereotypes and attitudes. One of the ways to succeed in it may be studying, analysis and discussion of legal texts in a foreign language. Such approach is used at Moscow State Linguistic University for the training of law students. Methodology and technique of the study. During the study of the concepts of «legal awareness» and «legal literacy», their formation and application by members of the legal profession and non-lawyers, the authors of the study used such generally recognized methods as general philosophical (dialectic, system method, analysis). In addition, a comparative analysis was made of the concepts studied in the Russian and Anglo-American legal culture. The article also presents the results of a survey of undergraduate students, which made it possible to assess the impact of the study of legal texts in a foreign language on the formation of legal stereotypes and attitudes.
legal consciousness, legal literacy, legal attitude, legal stereotype
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