Conditions and evaluation of the effectiveness of spiritual and moral development of students of educational organizations of the MIA of Russia
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the research is based on the need to increase the prestige of humanitarian knowledge, which is important for ideological, personal growth and the formation of a comprehensively educated person. The article demonstrates the value of the interpersonal connections in solving the indicated problem. From the point of spiritual and moral growth the interpersonal relationships allow to exchange values and mindsets between the future professionals. In the course of communication teachers and students exchange their values. Mere academic knowledge is not enough: in order to learn, to solve arising conflicts students need choice criterions, and precisely here, in search for reasons, lies the spiritual growth. The exploration of the values, spiritual and moral context of the humanitarian studies by improving teaching methods, involving interactive technologies, involving real life situations of moral conflict, choice is of great importance. The article presents the results of a study that highlights the conditions for the effectiveness of the spiritual and moral growth of students in the process of mastering the humanitarian subjects. The analysis helped author to identify four criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the spiritual and moral development of students in the process of mastering the humanitarian subjects. These include personal, cognitive, motivational-value, activity approach criteria. The study is based on the comparative analysis and mathematical processing of data using two methods: a questionnaire for identifying self-esteem «Spiritual and moral development of personality» and a projective method «Unfinished sentences» applied at the final stage of the research.

spiritual and moral development, education, conditions of effectiveness, criteria for evaluating effectiveness, students, educational organizations of the MIA of Russia
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