Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
student from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2022
Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2021 until now
Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
The article shows how using network technologies, in particular the electronic distance learning system (LMS) Moodle, you can build career guidance among schoolchildren, involving them in a conscious choice of a profession in the field of IT technologies (information security specialist, data protection specialist, cryptographer). Some Russian educational Internet platforms are considered, designed to help school graduates decide on their future professional activities. The ways of vocational guidance work at school are shown, which can be implemented both during school hours and after school hours. It proposes its own approach to this type of activity through the involvement of schoolchildren in distance Olympiads. A specific example reveals the technology for the development and implementation of distance Olympiads. The three-year experience of preparing distance Olympiads on the basis of the university is described.
professional self-determination, vocational guidance work, distance learning technologies, high school students, IT-sphere, LMS Moodle, distance Olympiads
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