Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Objective: to study the most promising enzymes produced by microorganisms and used in various branches of the food industry.
enzymes, food industry, microorganisms, enzyme preparations, enzymology
1. Lukin, A.A. Prospects for the use of microbial enzymes in the food industry / A.A. Lukin, M.B. Danilov, S.G. Pirozhinsky // Industry and agriculture. – 2020. – № 8(25). – pp. 12–19.
2. Enzymes for industrial use – an overview of the market of enzyme preparations and prospects for its development / A.A. Tolkacheva, D.A. Cherenkov, O.S. Korneeva, P.G. Ponomarev // Bulletin of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies. – 2017. – T. 79. – № 4(74). – pp. 197–203.
3. Savinova, A.A., Enzymes in the national economy / A.A. Savinova, M.G. Rybitsky, D.A. Surovikina // Bulletin of the Don State Agrarian University. – 2017. – №. 4(1). – pp. 112–123.
4. Tkacheva, E.D. Microorganisms used in the production of bakery products. Microorganisms-pests of bakery production // Youth and the XXI century–2022. – 2022. – pp. 200–203.
5. Khan, U. Use of Enzymes in Dairy Industry: A Review of Current Progress / U. Khan, Z. Selamoglu // Arch Razi Inst. – 2020 – No. 75(1) – pp. 131–136
6. Ageeva, N. M. The effect of enzyme preparations on the aroma-forming components of red table wines / Ageeva N.M., Tikhonova A.N., Biryukov A.P. // Izvestiya vuzov. Applied chemistry and biotechnology. – 2020. – No. 2. – pp. 251–260.